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Daily Archives: May 10, 2024

Dog on board – a cute dog on our Cebu Pacific flight

As we were boarding the plane that will take us to Cebu, we were ‘treated’ to the presence of another passenger. One passenger brought his dog with him on the flight. I don’t know what breed this is but it was really cute. One of the flight attendants carried the dog as the passenger placed his bags to the overhead bin.

Sun’s so bright, I guess he had to wear shades.
The cute dog was seated in front of our row. I only learned then that passengers with pets needed to be seated beside the window. That was the protocol mentioned by one of the flight attendants. The owner who was seated along the aisle asked the passenger near the window if she could carry the dog at least for the take-off and landing, and she happily obliged. Who can resist this fur baby?
Wearing the shades and hood as they deplaned.

This was the first time I was on a plane with a passenger who had his/her pet with him/her. Bigger dogs would have to be on carriers and transported as baggage/freight. I know some airlines allow for big dogs to be in the main cabin if they have a ticket and a seat like other (human) passengers. There should be some guidelines for this as to what breeds are allowed including whether the dog has a pleasant temperament.