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Daily Archives: May 28, 2024

Pave paradise

With the arrival of rains, many would probably forget about the recent heat wave we experienced. Those days were definitely record-breaking in as far as temperatures and heat indices were concerned. It was so hot that many schools had to revert to online or hybrid modes. Many people were complaining and as usual, the loss or lack of trees were mentioned in conversations or exchanges about how trees and other foliage could have helped cool the earth. The problem is that we have not learned our lesson and continue removing trees particularly those that need not be removed or cut down. In the name of road widening, which appears to be a key performance indicator for the DPWH, trees have been removed along national roads. This led to the elimination of what used to be shaded roads (i.e., canopies provided by trees), and gave way to now very exposed and open spaces.

The view from the parking lot of a mall in Antipolo shows land being cleared of trees for what appears to be an area for expansion of the parking lot.
A closer look at the land being “developed” in order to have more parking space.

The very same trees providing us with oxygen and shade, and contributing to cooler temperatures are also the ones helping reduce flooding. Denuded mountains and hills easily have their soils saturated leading to landslides that often are destructive and murderous. While it seems cliche to state that government should lead in ensuring we have more trees, it is a truth and we are in search of champions in government to inspire us to work together for more trees for our future.