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Daily Archives: June 11, 2024

Conventional vs. hi tech – the case of train tickets

Here’s an interesting (for me) read on something we usually assume could be improved by means of technology – transit fare collection:

Unseen Japan (May 27, 2024) “Japan Railways tried replacing tickets with tech., It didn’t go well,”, [Last accessed: 6/10/2024]

To quote from the article:

“So what went wrong? Some experts say that JR East’s major fault was forcing a cutover to online and automated systems before those systems were ready for prime time.”

As with others like this that seek to ‘disrupt’ the conventional or status quo, a hastily implemented system will likely face trouble and a barrage of complaints from users. This would be especially true if the current-old system is already efficient and requires only minor tweaking or improvements and an abrupt phase out or scale down of the old is not necessary.