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Taxi services at NAIA Terminal 2

February 2024


The previous post on NAIA Terminal 2 featured photos of taxi or ride share services at the airport. Coupon Taxis are the most expensive option for travelers as they have the highest rates. Often, these are even higher than vehicle rental rates. These rates are shown to prospective customers though so I can’t really understand why people go for this option and then slam it for being expensive. The information is provided there so accepting the terms means you understand and accept the rates. Perhaps they didn’t have other options?

There is a Grab stand at the terminal. I assume that since Grab is quite popular at least in Southeast Asia (even taking over Uber’s share), then travelers who likely have smart phones should have the app and be able to book a ride using it. This might be the best option for those on the go.

There is also a regular taxi stand at the airport terminal so that is another option. Unfortunately, one will likely have to haggle with the drivers for the fare. Other drivers might use their meters but will suggest or solicit tips from their passengers.

There is no rail service for the NAIA Terminals but there is an airport bus, UBE Express, that travelers can take to go to major CBDs like Cubao, Ortigas and Manila or perhaps to major terminals like PITX or the Victory Liner Terminal in Pasay City.

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